Friday, November 13, 2009

Sample Opening Prayer For A Program

writers about whom he writes a great poet

is not the first time in my hands you undo a edition of Writings on Literature , which collects a great deal of literary criticism written by the most implacable of French poets, Charles Baudelaire, and from which we can obtain about a mapping of what the literary world was at that time, as you can imagine there is an inventory of envy, false glories of the great authors of their own accord or their friends and today are but not at least a sad memory, the concessions given to friends, in short nothing new, but more important is the way Baudelaire dissects the works of his contemporaries and how you show with his mastery of classical grandeur and misery of the literature of his time.
'84 This year's event is run by Carlos Pujol, who, shot by Editorial Bruguera, apart from selecting and prolong translates texts into Castilian, although I'm not usually a fan of prologues, this is one that I never tire of reading and re-read because of an extremely clear us into the life and work of Charles Baudelaire, or what is actually a prologue, which for most prologues apparently is a mystery still have not heard, is also lamenting the poor quality of binding of the work, what actually happens to be a trifle compared with its intellectual content. are among the writers discussed three devotes the most space on the compiler and who includes two texts, the first of these is nothing less than the great Theophile Gautier, who initially appears a biography in which we can delve into the it was this man than to work with letters, lived in its fullest, while Baudelaire does not attempt to hide his devotion at least the same as it does in the dedication of Las Flores Del Mal but without affecting their judgments about his work, moreover, he explains about the difficulty is the time to write about someone who admires without incurring the typical and often lambisconería usually throwing a poetaster to another after reading both articles no better option than re read The Dead in Love Gautier . The second shift is for Victor Hugo, the blackened and rustproof monument that stands unchanged on the nineteenth-century European literature, who include a review of his life and another on his novel Les Miserables summit, and on whom Baudelaire some thoughts about what is or should be, a great poet and a great author, but along these texts we see and understand that is not consistent with all author's work is a fact that makes a fair analysis and valuation in respect of their works, in its view, best achieved. More than any of the writers discussed in the book, is without doubt of Mrs. Clemm, mother of Virginia Clemm, wife of Mr. Edgar Allan Poe, whom Baudelaire portrait deeper and more meaningful, an act of justice for the adoptive mother in the country where everything is mega, including ignorance, as well took care of that voice misunderstood yet higher, which was the great Poe, dissects these texts, rather than the teacher's story terror, the company that was conceived and in some ways, to be unable to tame, killed him; is to remember that Baudelaire was Poe who introduced in France, therefore in Europe, and the first of these texts has been included on many occasions as a prologue to his, so aptly named, Extraordinary Stories, then nothing more sensible to re read Story found in a bottle, is this book a gateway to literature that is perpetual, because it was meant to be read and not merely to be publicized.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Machine Makes Your Nose Smaller

stranger in a strange land

March of '95 when Byron Masdeu decided to open his first tattoo studio in the Fine Alley in the historic center, was a small, in the late afternoon to meet metalheads, hippies, alternative and some other punk, as well as people who was neither one nor the other, but were interested in perpetuating an image on your skin, always engaging gatherings that revolve around music, literature and philosophy as it used to be customary talking around a bit, some chance that the assistant, who was studying philosophy, I recommended a book called The Antichrist of one Friedrich Nietzsche. During those same years Giovanni Pinzón, lead singer of Suburban Bohemia, was in the coffee zone 10 Gold, epicenter of the alternative scene, but in many metalheads who studied in the City Old gathered for the evening, there was curiously and was conceived one of the first zines metalheads Putrefaxión Zocial , was one of those nights that I met someone who was always reading and saw that what was carried mentioned book, immediately asked him where he had brought, what I said no, that he had bought at the bookstore El Tecolote area 1, which ironically was a half block from the school where I studied. really to open that issue of the United Mexican Editors did not know what to expect, I expected something very strong, yes, but did not really know why, since the first line was a total shock, there was nothing I could have imagined, it is true, but it was something I had always wanted, as I continued to page after page, it was like to find myself, for the first time to order many ideas that had always been messy in my head, as he would say, referring to Richard Wagner, was the first time I breathed freely in my life, yet was a shock, had suspected all along that there should be a different way of seeing the world, but never guessed that someone knew a way to raise so clear and yet so raw.
finished soon become a fan of Nietzsche, this book was followed by a reading of how much work I was appearing, as in editing Edimat, and every time he touched me at Burger King, as is usual here, wait for someone who was always late for an appointment, I did read those books that haunted me, until today every time my life has become complex, I turn my gaze to them and this is the calm amid the storm. Undoubtedly few philosophers have dared to go as far as Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (from 1.844 to 1.900) did, first daring to question those who had been imposed as unquestionable, which certainly does not do so profound but doing so undoubtedly the fact that for the first time someone is able to think outside of Platonic thought, a task that still sounds colossal and monstrous, since, even unintentionally, we have all been designed, created and domesticated by the mold Plato today, as in my case, it is certainly comfortable to read and understand the extent to which such thinking is inherent in our lives, but the thinking for the first time, realize the idea in itself, is something that can hardly be calculated.
From my personal perspective is something else that makes symbolic Nietzsche's philosophical struggle is the fact of the disease, a disease that wiped out slowly and that he fell from 1.888 to 1.900, as it was centuries behind in every sense of science, solely due to the greed of managers in the world, who through theological tricks humanity remained mired in the shadows ignorance, as do the mass media today, but it was from the work of this philosopher that the world dared to go further, to realize, finally, that the human body was a field of action for science and not an inviolable divine vessel, resulting in the solution to many diseases, including that he had killed, and at times irrational were treated only by prayer, I think that was the personal struggle of Friedrich Nietzsche, and, as every man is born posthumously, undoubtedly won posthumously, and in recent days I've been re reading Antichrist, Beyond Good and Evil and Ecce Homo , and yes, again I was happy to be home ...