Thursday, July 10, 2008

Clariol Born Blonde Toner

How are inconsequential events in the history of the existence of a man of letters much that strive to make your best attempt, the first thing that comes to my mind as I reflect on Salman Rushdie, who today announced he has been given Booker prize, special edition 40th anniversary of the delivery of the award, for his novel Sons Of Midnight , a distinction that had already received 15 years ago, apparently the husband of Padma Lakshmi luck topmodel smiles again, who knows if peace do so in secret late nights. And if I come this idea is because undoubtedly the world Salman Rushdie came to him in pieces that 1.989 February 14, when a group of angry fundamentalists in the voice of their leader's famous Fatwa issued in decreed that his immediate death penalty for blasphemy, because according to them the novel The Satanic Verses was an affront to their beliefs, many people, like his Japanese translator Hitoshi Igarashi, they really killed the author in turn was forced to move from overnight to loneliness, anonymity and an apparent silence imposed by the persecution, staying for a long time under the aegis of the United Kingdom authorities. Definitely
your inner self could not silence or fear, because two years later appeared a new work of his Haroun and the Sea of \u200b\u200bStories , all this must be a devastating impact in the scheme by which he raised life, their daily undoubtedly ended opaque barrier of indescribable tension Today however, saw the notes about the award and the author, in his biography that schism does not occupy more than two lines, so simple, in the history of literature who knows if you arrive at least half of one. also worth thinking about the environment, that which The Satanic Verses were only a slight premonition, a turning point on what the prosecution began to our world since the fall of the Berlin Wall was expected all those outdated ways of thinking left behind, no one thought of fundamentalisms, political and religious revive harder and new techniques en diversos bandos, nadie pensó en que a una artista se le montaría un juicio moral porque se le rompía el vestido o las brutales protestas por unas caricaturas aparecidas en un diario Belga, cosas de similar estilo se van gestando poco a poco en nuestras sociedades y en las ajenas, nos acosa silenciosamente el serio intento de que el oscurantismo de nuevo caye nuestras palabras y ahogue nuestras ideas, con monstruosas amenazas de guerras apocalípticas, hemos perdido esa confianza y ese sentido de que la libertad era plenamente nuestra, en el fondo quizá esa sea una perdida más lamentable que el hecho de pensar en lo intrascendentes que como individuos podemos llegar a ser dentro de la historia de una masa que se esmera por sobresalir.


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