Thursday, December 30, 2010

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daily life manual

sunrise every day, like all other men, hoping finally to find the book of books, not that tell us how we should be, but that explains why we are as we are, that we explain why to go out does not always hit it off with the man who sells newspapers and why it hurts so much having to always rely on who ever lied to us, I think I finally found. For much the name of Arthur Schopenhauer bounced into the empty room of my mind, however It was not until this year, thanks to a gift from Julio Manuel GirĂ³n, that it came into my hands, a little late perhaps, but just in time, like everything worthwhile.
daily life despite being a daily exercise, despite the redundancy, rarely becomes an issue before us is simple, especially if it provides for participation of the financial year is always a trap game where everything unintelligible one who has good intentions will inevitably hurt and anyone who is without guile, but not intelligence, always end up losing more than anything. Thus, after many days of trying to reach the conclusion, the best, that we unsuitable for social play and, at worst, to adapt to it, becoming a piece from the board in which only decide which plays no part.
philosophy, if not written by philosophaster has a watermark that makes it impersonal and timeless, and that starts from the analysis of everyday existence, that in the supermarket and in the most miserable hovel has a same performance, no matter how much technology they have on hand, if human remains, therefore still satisfy the same basic processes of old, is still monotonous to forget unless you do not understand everyday life creates appliances and gadgets with which to fill that empty space called the mind.
But within this vast and monotonous crowd are always one who by nature or by mistake always ends by asking what is here and how to behave to survive the existence of others, for the great majority it always sounds absurd, because they have connected to a world in which only create and purchase, never doubt, and certainly the one who is always suspect. As for that small minority of doubters was undoubtedly written Art of Good Living, edited by Edaf, a book that in principle we could think anachronistic in a world in which Schopenhauer and it can be found only in t-shirts, bags, cups or even stuffed animals in the screen of his face, although it is not, but rather is the dissection of the mass of everyday things, condemned to represent only a mark and never send anything. For my part from The Antichrist of Nietzsche could not find a book so accurate, I think is a good handbook, this year to start, try, once more, to understand and comprehend the big crowds, but mostly a manual on how to escape them by the emergency door and thus safeguard their resignation, I do not know if it really is, but at least today, while reading the year he died, I have a feeling it is.


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