Friday, November 13, 2009

Sample Opening Prayer For A Program

writers about whom he writes a great poet

is not the first time in my hands you undo a edition of Writings on Literature , which collects a great deal of literary criticism written by the most implacable of French poets, Charles Baudelaire, and from which we can obtain about a mapping of what the literary world was at that time, as you can imagine there is an inventory of envy, false glories of the great authors of their own accord or their friends and today are but not at least a sad memory, the concessions given to friends, in short nothing new, but more important is the way Baudelaire dissects the works of his contemporaries and how you show with his mastery of classical grandeur and misery of the literature of his time.
'84 This year's event is run by Carlos Pujol, who, shot by Editorial Bruguera, apart from selecting and prolong translates texts into Castilian, although I'm not usually a fan of prologues, this is one that I never tire of reading and re-read because of an extremely clear us into the life and work of Charles Baudelaire, or what is actually a prologue, which for most prologues apparently is a mystery still have not heard, is also lamenting the poor quality of binding of the work, what actually happens to be a trifle compared with its intellectual content. are among the writers discussed three devotes the most space on the compiler and who includes two texts, the first of these is nothing less than the great Theophile Gautier, who initially appears a biography in which we can delve into the it was this man than to work with letters, lived in its fullest, while Baudelaire does not attempt to hide his devotion at least the same as it does in the dedication of Las Flores Del Mal but without affecting their judgments about his work, moreover, he explains about the difficulty is the time to write about someone who admires without incurring the typical and often lambisconería usually throwing a poetaster to another after reading both articles no better option than re read The Dead in Love Gautier . The second shift is for Victor Hugo, the blackened and rustproof monument that stands unchanged on the nineteenth-century European literature, who include a review of his life and another on his novel Les Miserables summit, and on whom Baudelaire some thoughts about what is or should be, a great poet and a great author, but along these texts we see and understand that is not consistent with all author's work is a fact that makes a fair analysis and valuation in respect of their works, in its view, best achieved. More than any of the writers discussed in the book, is without doubt of Mrs. Clemm, mother of Virginia Clemm, wife of Mr. Edgar Allan Poe, whom Baudelaire portrait deeper and more meaningful, an act of justice for the adoptive mother in the country where everything is mega, including ignorance, as well took care of that voice misunderstood yet higher, which was the great Poe, dissects these texts, rather than the teacher's story terror, the company that was conceived and in some ways, to be unable to tame, killed him; is to remember that Baudelaire was Poe who introduced in France, therefore in Europe, and the first of these texts has been included on many occasions as a prologue to his, so aptly named, Extraordinary Stories, then nothing more sensible to re read Story found in a bottle, is this book a gateway to literature that is perpetual, because it was meant to be read and not merely to be publicized.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Machine Makes Your Nose Smaller

stranger in a strange land

March of '95 when Byron Masdeu decided to open his first tattoo studio in the Fine Alley in the historic center, was a small, in the late afternoon to meet metalheads, hippies, alternative and some other punk, as well as people who was neither one nor the other, but were interested in perpetuating an image on your skin, always engaging gatherings that revolve around music, literature and philosophy as it used to be customary talking around a bit, some chance that the assistant, who was studying philosophy, I recommended a book called The Antichrist of one Friedrich Nietzsche. During those same years Giovanni Pinzón, lead singer of Suburban Bohemia, was in the coffee zone 10 Gold, epicenter of the alternative scene, but in many metalheads who studied in the City Old gathered for the evening, there was curiously and was conceived one of the first zines metalheads Putrefaxión Zocial , was one of those nights that I met someone who was always reading and saw that what was carried mentioned book, immediately asked him where he had brought, what I said no, that he had bought at the bookstore El Tecolote area 1, which ironically was a half block from the school where I studied. really to open that issue of the United Mexican Editors did not know what to expect, I expected something very strong, yes, but did not really know why, since the first line was a total shock, there was nothing I could have imagined, it is true, but it was something I had always wanted, as I continued to page after page, it was like to find myself, for the first time to order many ideas that had always been messy in my head, as he would say, referring to Richard Wagner, was the first time I breathed freely in my life, yet was a shock, had suspected all along that there should be a different way of seeing the world, but never guessed that someone knew a way to raise so clear and yet so raw.
finished soon become a fan of Nietzsche, this book was followed by a reading of how much work I was appearing, as in editing Edimat, and every time he touched me at Burger King, as is usual here, wait for someone who was always late for an appointment, I did read those books that haunted me, until today every time my life has become complex, I turn my gaze to them and this is the calm amid the storm. Undoubtedly few philosophers have dared to go as far as Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (from 1.844 to 1.900) did, first daring to question those who had been imposed as unquestionable, which certainly does not do so profound but doing so undoubtedly the fact that for the first time someone is able to think outside of Platonic thought, a task that still sounds colossal and monstrous, since, even unintentionally, we have all been designed, created and domesticated by the mold Plato today, as in my case, it is certainly comfortable to read and understand the extent to which such thinking is inherent in our lives, but the thinking for the first time, realize the idea in itself, is something that can hardly be calculated.
From my personal perspective is something else that makes symbolic Nietzsche's philosophical struggle is the fact of the disease, a disease that wiped out slowly and that he fell from 1.888 to 1.900, as it was centuries behind in every sense of science, solely due to the greed of managers in the world, who through theological tricks humanity remained mired in the shadows ignorance, as do the mass media today, but it was from the work of this philosopher that the world dared to go further, to realize, finally, that the human body was a field of action for science and not an inviolable divine vessel, resulting in the solution to many diseases, including that he had killed, and at times irrational were treated only by prayer, I think that was the personal struggle of Friedrich Nietzsche, and, as every man is born posthumously, undoubtedly won posthumously, and in recent days I've been re reading Antichrist, Beyond Good and Evil and Ecce Homo , and yes, again I was happy to be home ...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Indian Saree Blouse Patterns

why not read what others think I should read

There are many books that probably never read in my life, but others although if I read my regret, never reread, in fact, three of his novels, to be exact, were of such texts are read not for pleasure but by compromise, and if the commitment has to do with a course, because either way, Mr. President Miguel Angel Asturias, Rayuela de Julio Cortazar and Hundred Years of Solitude Garcia Marquez books halfway necessarily made me wonder what was there and never stopped to seem awfully dull.
These could be called the masterpieces of the secular religion that seems to be the twentieth century Latin American literature, with a wide range of parishioners, which in these lands, among the small minority who reads, may be the majority, but now with difficulty found under 40 years and that apart from readers, are strong advocates of his works, a situation that when they have complex writer achieves levels of fundamentalism. When one, an act of honesty, says he does not like these books or other works of these authors and others that make up the pantheon, they choose to censure and excommunicate the Latin American intellectual level, the more measured start, with some compassionate leave, and who speaks with an illiterate, have us a long inventory of the reasons why, according to them, as a Latin American reader is bound to like the same, of course there are also those who give us a series explanations, some more stupid than others, of why these works are necessarily part of the great literature and if you do not see them as such is because it is a total ignorant. Personally I can not say whether the boom is good or bad writers, but it is undeniable that lack of connection between his books and the new generations, I think the best and has a lot to see that they were made to a very specific time, so that when a change of conditions made them anachronistic, this happens mostly with Mr. President, but still needs to happen to someone strange to read, is special Hundred Years of Solitude, imagine a magical and coming Latin America and get off the plane the first thing that comes across is with a McDonald's billboard as anywhere in the world, only studded by some local gang graffiti, which will no doubt among the few places that remain, and Latin America is dreaming that simply does not exist or rather never existed, just was anchored to the ideals of an era in which, in theory, the ideological factor was too heavy intellectual work, and I say in theory because it has also much mercadológica equation, designed to sell the typical messianic pose of the writer and good vibes with people. This lack of connection also existed with respect to new generations of writers, as in Roberto Bolaño was more than apparent, but with the arrival of Alberto Fuguet and Edmundo Paz Soldan, which incidentally also have face serious intellectual and boring, with books like or McOndo English Spoken , eventually become obvious, creating a veritable pandemonium among the parishioners of the cult in question, who do not understand that we grew up in an environment desliteraturisado for ideological reasons, and in which the only intellectual icons were Gene Simmons and Dee Snider with all the little politically correct that this could be or sound, it is a reality, so that when, for academic commitments, we approach these works, there was no point of connection with them, since most citizens were Gotham City than any people of Latin American highlands which butterflies fluctuate freely.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

List Of Ftse 250 Companies By Market Cap

corrosive, toxic and uncompromising ...

newspapers already been announcing it for several days, despite this and once the date arrived, it was still hard to believe, two monsters of the world collected by Thrash Metal first time in this city, a clear day, regular and smooth, who arrived by car were accompanied by the din of metal from their homes, those who made in the service group, had no doubt about himself to flush the long hours of despair, with the background music sound bland and repetitive reggeaton. An avenue, broad in relation to most of the city, with trees that left little room to see how the buildings fell on the evening, on sidewalks and on the roots of the trees scattered a horde of rebels, 15 to 60 years, many with their collection of vinyl under his arm, hoping for an autograph, loose hair, black dress and boots, trying to escape the pollution and the uniformity of the city, the relentless metal echoed in the car horns, while Gallo beer cans were diluted slowly.
For my part I found myself in a long time as he did not, with all the local metal scene and literary writers like Julio Manuel Girón, Javier Payet, Paul Gordon, Byron Quiñones, Eddy Rome and Mario Castaneda, with whom we remember those days where we met in Guatemala biweekly Musical to listen to local metal bands in which we thought might not even be writers, and less on ourselves and with books published as today. Once inside the room, which has a lot of industrial warehouse, the local False Prophet had a presentation that began with very Fogeo good shape, the lights went out, everything was at a standstill, suddenly were heard the first throes with the guitarists Gary Holt and Lee Altus, they immediately would join Jack Gibson on bass and drums, I do not know if was Tom Hunting or Nicholas Howard Barker who played in the second theory is one who does live, finally made its appearance vocalist Rob Dukes, immediately saw a wave of phones trying to perpetuate the instant rise.
Interestingly, given my distaste for the cover's, this band was met by the issue Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap , an original track from AC / DC including live album Lessons In Violence published in the year '92 and that sounded a lot in Rock Revolution, the presentation was simply devastating, with an impressive stage presence, which was the focal point Rob Dukes, who proved to possess the ability to create immediate empathy with the audience, the musicians fully professionals, possessing a breakneck speed, with the mosh (Slamdance) did not wane for a moment, showing that the Thrash Metal sound remains a dirty, violent and street, in my personal opinion the best band of the night. And again there was darkness; opportunity that many took the opportunity to go out and talk and take a breath, was heard, or thought he heard, a slight feedback and that was the alarm to go immediately, amid the shadows of the screens side began to play the video Hordes Of Chaos Kreator (that certainly seems to be Manowar), a somewhat bland presentation that made the public were a bit cold and distant, it was impossible not to think about certain rockstarismo; prejudice that I rejected outright by knowing about an hour later to Mille Petrozza.
returned to my mind the album covers Endless Pain and Pleasure to Kill , I heard in the early 90's in Lp, meanwhile in the background you could hear a drum solo awesome, but outside the Thrash Metal, then this will definitely be back on stage another band with a sound and totally devastating and savage presence, definitely the feeling was different, Mille fully logged and the public response had been just wild, I think this was born the real connection and was its high point to get away with Kreator flag, which reminded us Flag Of Hate EP the year '86, I think one of the things that has Kreator, and the German school if you will, is that are very professional, lots of art, something that in a genre that tries to be rebellious and street takes away some mystique, Gothic and also its experimental stage did not go with impunity; which does not mean it's bad, it's just different, I would say that the presentation was perfect but not uniform, and that made the difference. Outside the city
still immersed in the darkness of the night, stray dogs attacked the volcanoes of garbage, while the homeless were made of empty cans for recycling and that place was just a point, and unthinkable lost in the immensity of the city, a small spot in our minds that try to never delete, because they are those moments, those hours of adrenaline, which makes a metal continue to breathe and feel so proud to be what it is.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Golden Retriever Zoofilia

books we have and retain over time versus Bristol Banksy

Just last Friday I went to the new, but on reflection not so new, Sophos location in order to buy a book of HP Lovecraft (1890 - 1937), since I have time to work assemble the complete collection in the edition of the Alianza editorial, some paperbacks that collect in a dignified and orderly work of the author scattered, while being extremely comfortable, both for reading and for traveling, these have thematic unity and sometimes, as in The Cthulhu Mythos or Underworld journey, they bring interesting prologues Rafael Llopis or accompanied with texts by other authors of the circle Lovecraft is intertwined with the central topic.
My surprise was great when to leave, because my goal in a bag, I found near the door that has been around here the second volume of the complete works of HP Lovecraft in the edition of Valdemar; good and if already have or are going to have the paperback why you want another, no doubt someone will ask, but when you're a fan, shows very well the difference between one or the other, this is an issue very well kept, with lid hard and separator sheets, in a translation of Juan Antonio Molina Foix, Francisco Torres Oliver and José María Nebreda, being for any collector of great interest to have these two volumes at home and re read another version of these texts abysmal that many, like me, we never tire of reading and re reading. HP Lovecraft was undoubtedly of these authors rather strange that impact and one seeks to know, but that somehow slip away, in the early 90's metal music underground was achieved through exchange with fans from all over the world, by via traditional mail, and the bands were made known in countries as far away as Norway and Singapore, a key part played by the fanzines, small independent magazines including band interviews, record reviews and concert halls, some had their literary section in the which we generally topábamos fragments of the works of Lovecraft.
Apart from this many bands based their lyrics, concepts and covers in the world created and imagined by the author and his followers, a situation that was not new, and in 1967 had formed the psychedelic rock band HP Lovecraft, with two studio albums and one live, but in our time it took more force until it has become a way of thinking and living around which generated a whole culture, which was not without its influence from society consumption, with a wide range of souvenirs, but no books. It was not until '99 that I finally found in the library Luna Y Sol, where for Simon then worked Pedroza, The Dunwich Horror, in a very small book collection Alianza Cien, it left me shocked, or rather differed concretized first fragmentary view all that the author had ever passed some years to find Edinter Artemis The Case of Charles Dexter Ward in the aforementioned collection of Alianza Editorial, and since then I have not stopped to go shopping whenever new titles come and they go up slowly into the abyss gelatinous , terrible and nameless.

How Many Calories In Pop Secret Butter Popcorn

Banksy leaves the streets and into the museum ...
tired of hiding behind the shadows of the city or seeking refuge in times of crisis ...?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Feels Like Throat Is Blocked

museum when an author becomes

Undoubtedly José Saramago, Nobel Prize 1.998, I am one of the authors of reference, for his views on many issues and some of their essential books as The Gospel According to Jesus Christ , Blindness (same as the director Fernando Meirelles filmed under the name Blindness) and The Cave impossible for me to forget that afternoon in the Company De Jesus, Antigua Guatemala, where he gave a lecture that very few authors can make today, the thought of an author who questions and digs into every corner of your environment, which is not afraid to think and explain what you think .
One can agree or disagree with the ideas of one person, but at the time in which it exposes them to a depth and clarity so irrefutable as he does, I think it's, if not share, at least analyze , is that Saramago was in charge of raising a left and a thinking atheism, consistent with currently little warm to the ideas, and from this trench has become one of the more concrete analysis of what is our world today, with all its contradictions and all such attempts to manipulate culture to make it a mere instrument of domination. But, and there is always a but, for some time now I wonder how a man who has so clearly the processes by which society is governed and which currently opposes at every opportunity you have to say, has not noticed is an important part of the same gear, it turns out that Mr. Saramago from the opposition has become one of the authors more profitable and more presence in the market, posting an incredible amount of books, including a tourist guide, are not necessarily required and that they keep amazing today in the publishing market, just as do all those ready-made products of both despise.

Garnier Fructis Singapore

that he hates most is music that does not explain, but which hardly explain the world we

Today is definitely one of those rare days when you can look out the window and verify conclusively that the largest religion in the twenty-first century will be the cult of pop, yet a unique opportunity to try to dissect the manner in which it was first created a uniform global culture, the death of Michael Jackson echoed in every newspaper in the world and not talk about anything on the streets, which is not for less, after so many generations have learned to dance and dress him, few artists so effectively applied the premise: be a rebel, consume ...
The problem of consumerism and its most friendly, pop, is that it requires a daily record that ends up being dehumanizing, exposing their misery to those who are unable to consume or, as in this case, to take new products for consumption, thus condemning despotic ostracism and dingy. Nobody knew as Michael Jackson perform, and also suffer, both sides of the culture, reaching all the splendor it can give and all the fallacy that in turn it implies, will go down in history as the first human being changed color and which broke all sales records existing, but also the same as when he did not know how to entertain the masses, he suffered the loneliness and emptiness that lies behind the fame.
During his last years he endured the humiliation of a society that thrives on spectacle and that, as in the Roman arena, is delighted with the fall of the victim in the jaws of the beast, one in which the same danced to Thriller were those who bought those tabloid newspapers in which he was prosecuted and publicly derided by the mistakes that culture fostered in the beginning, today he is dead parishioners crowd and cry, which did not in life when he more victim needed while slowly dying of loneliness, tomorrow nothing will last and, like the Queen song, the show must go on.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Large Woman Brazilian Wax

complications of not having a Canon Pixma IP1000

Julio Manuel Girón
Recently a friend, to whom they dedicated these lines, I said reading the book excited Portrait De Balzac, written by Theophile Gautier and published recently by publishing Sixth Floor, rarely has an opportunity to approach the life of a monster of letters through the pages written by another monster at the same level, which I was possible because then lent it to me.
not every day someone is imposed as a purpose to write 137 novels, but this way sounds Titanic, more so for having managed to finish 85, Honore De Balzac, like many others, entertained the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing a philosopher, and drawing from the Dante's Divine Comedy, he decided to do a play that was a whole, it contained within itself all that was modern, thinking that it was unlikely that a work in which the author imagined a time when there was no lived was accurate, with analysis of human society based on the method used by biologists to analyze animals, no idea it was that specific in the beginning, and that when he conceived the concept of unity and the final form of it, had already published works as The shagreen or Louis Lambert, both with some influence of the philosopher Swedish Emmanuel Swedenborg, but subsequently took their own space in what would be his only work. While every work of an author conveys the essence of his thought is in their daily lives where we can really see the essence of himself, and this is what allows the work of Théophile Gautier, an approach to work obsessive man who never felt the owner of a unique style, turning then to a total delivery to his work, even at the expense of his own life, with days of writing 15 hours a day, in which the coffee was just what kept him from surrendering to the weight of anguish, and how a man who could never put together a verse assembled one of the most impressive and essential Western history. He had, like most serious writers, a almost unhealthy obsession for review again and again his word, until, in a pottery work, sifting them achieve accurate, this means we are today just a wasteful expenditure sheets and toner, anything that is out of this world in his time, however, it meant having to send their written text to print, which sent him the galleys, and then review them again and again, with the respective re impressions, same as we hoped Gautier, were of great complexity to the printers, so that publishers, greedy, and often in countries where yes books are sold, they chose to pass the bill for all expenses incurred in such review, thereby sacrificing some of their meager income, a sacrifice that the author did not disdain the sake of the perfection of their work. Few books really make us attuned to the life of an author, this is certainly one of them, and when it is done in turn by an author who knows the secrets of work, it shows the building, not like a visit tour, but as a work of engineering in which they remain light even the tiniest lines and gear, and top of what was the author and the creation of such works as Seraphita or The Atheist's Mass, leaving the tour this web-flavor, an odd feeling to these works and the realization that a man who was able to, as he said, make the competition to the civil registry in the number of characters that ideological and giving life, she was also human , unfortunately not yet come true the words that Victor Hugo said in his funeral: From now eyes of men will turn to look at faces, not those that have governed, but from those who have thought.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Loette Stop Break Through Bleeding

rediscover the books we have read yet built

There are writers whose influence is so strong that still influence us without ever having read, remembered him yesterday afternoon, while walking through the historic center, the cold space and anachronistic in the rockers come together every day, Merola, poets, achimeros and junkies, and I came across an old artist friend with whom I have no doubt a large debt and that it was not until then that we speak, has always felt a secret interest in books, including a writer, but consistent with my environment, never I was born a real interest in me books, as they were not by chance that came to my hands, so that when I wrote my first lines, those born more by the influence exerted listening music in me, which by a process intellectual, he did turn to have much of chance and enigmatic. mid 90's a friend had at City Center space in which, among other things, read Tarot cards, but where on Saturday we met with a group of painters has been talk of the most diverse the idea he was talking about esoteric, what really happened to the background, it was there I met painter and this friend who told us stories he had told him, but did not know who was the author of them, but they generated in me a strong influence and that prompted me to write my first story, over the years and the first reading I soon discovered that two of the stories carried by name The Immortal and The Gospel According to St. Mark and that its author was Jorge Luis Borges, but had more and it was not until two years ago that I found him and asked him about it, it was then that he told me he had discovered that the author was Horacio Quiroga and stories, among others, were The feather pillows and The Decapitated Chicken . On my encounter with the poetry of history does not differ much, the year '93 was one in which the metal more strongly sounded in the city, something you could not escape, until one day one of my best friends decided to bring to school a cassette with the soundtrack of the movie The Doors Oliver Stone, that afternoon, many things changed and I began to hear more and more to this band, to really become a fan of it, it was not until a year later in Panajachel I first saw the movie, filmed in the year '91 and that is reflected in the magic of a time that many wanted to live and a life that many wanted to emulate, in the same town was a used bookstore, as there are many on site, specializing in books in English and where I found the book No One Here Gets Out Alive by Jerry Hopkins and Danny Sugermann, which was based on the aforementioned film, this book certainly more than any book of poems, was the only and decisive influence that gave me to write poetry, there are certainly things that we are called always and even when they arrive in a mysterious way and slow our lives, always eventually reach .

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wearing Girdles While 6 Months Pregnant

pop was not always so naive nor so light

few days ago while wandering the YouTube chance I met the gaze of Pennywise, so many years that I could not see the eyes, yet his eyes felt as fresh as the first time I saw him through a TV from those to which we had to close and turn a knob in order to change channels, such as casual encounter brought a few things to my memory, but most of all filled me with doubts, because for sure no greatest thing reminded of the movie and started to wonder with friends, the answer was always the same, thanks to that damn clown had grown up hating the clown, until a friend who if you are serious about being a collector, told me that had the original film, the official t-shirt and the doll itself. Well it turns out, comes from a novel called It written by Stephen King, yes, the marketing genius of terror and one of the favorite authors of Harold Bloom, when launching their most vicious darts is clear, published in the year '86 and tells us how in the peaceful, idyllic community of Derry in the basement there is someone with a serious interest on terror, someone called That and periodically will breed violence on the surface, until decide to go and see what happens in the streets and finds no fitter than a friendly clown gradually becomes ruthless, especially when faced with a bunch of guys who wear the peculiar name Losers.
Continuing my adventures of that day YouTube I came across another character in my nightmares, who did remember perfectly, Freddy Krueger, the epicenter of the films A Nightmare on Elm Street , and one of our murderers favorite series, the most pop of all, without doubt, who lives in the town of Springwood, at No. 1428 of Elm Street to be exact, from where he began to plan the assassination but also massive children to be arrested and prosecuted, being free due to a clerical error, as the enraged neighbors decide to take justice into their own hands and burnt him alive, or history could have happened in any city in this country, what makes it different is that over the years Freddy returns from hell and takes refuge in an old boiler room where it attracts among their nightmares the children of the city to kill them. For many of us this was undoubtedly one of the most close, first because he appeared as Freddy stepfather was none other than Mr. Alice Cooper, an icon of Glam Metal, and to blend the sound track was also Glam another band, Dokken with item Dream Warriors that appear on the EP of the same name, published in 1.986, and which also included the issues Back For The Attack and Paris Is Burning , an era in which the spaces occupied Heavy Metal most prevalent in the music industry itself that we lived so outdated, as our cinemas and local channels bringing films with three to five years behind, so that the successes of the 80's here were successful in 90's.
With the homogenization of pop culture as the only modern western bastion, were taking shape calls urban legends, many of whom were born film or TV, or at least used the media to reach the masses, succeeding in a successful manner, so that dreams and nightmares of all generations are usually a logo of Made In USA , displacing the local idiosyncrasies and myths, which has standardized in terms of our identity, and so they were very clever, but it is undeniable how much we enjoyed that face some kind of pop and how much we miss today, these icons will not ever let us sleep, but if someone has recovered and sleep, both films promise to remake or sequel for next year, or the nightmare continues ...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Annealing Temp Calculator

Britney Beautiful and hot body, and Puercazo Putina Horrible!!

Putin burned on Good Morning America and the Circus Tour can see that the body looks for Candie's Britney if the 100% natural body! even hesitate? look for the video of her modeling for candie's! Schemes are so fat because Putin that will never be called to model for a company so important to him even more fame!. Putina fat with panzota, nomas watch it with your costume eastern tiger at the party of his brother Pig-perez Hilton poor little envious xD haha!