Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Drag Queens Tuck

an invisible revolution

mention a few decades ago was to evoke a revolutionary character in uniform, with a long beard and horn-rimmed glasses, who claimed to be an intellectual but he had no compunction in murdering, stealing or destroying any infrastructure may impose a political model, which being with which he identified automatically going to be the only viable and fair to the vast majority, even if not shared.
In some countries this type of individuals managed to take in a violent way with power, with his arrival not only reached the promised freedom, but little is lost existing were despots and wasteful, leaving behind all that they dreamed and defended or at least preached, mounting systems of domination extracted from a nightmare, which ended just quietly becoming the most hated on it. On the opposite side were democracies, these systems allow us to be independent and act as we wish, as long as we do in the way you like an invisible system, without complicating the situation very much been limited to creating products with junk which occupy our time and mental space, thereby avoiding to think about all that tells us that although we are not free to pretend that we are sufficient because it can not be free anyone who does not understand himself and not allowed to fully understand the reasons for their environment. Within these societies was forged a new generation of individuals who are interested in new technologies, who ended up creating a cyber Alternatively, a virtual world where everyone lives, express and feel without having to leave the comfort of your computer, who initially had little capacity for empathy became friends, who did not feel comfortable with people around them met interesting people in distant places, until one day we noticed it was not just nerds, hackers, geeks or reject those who inhabited it, but literally around the world, live connected was no longer a matter of experts and had become cool, which eventually cyberspace filled with all the banality of which consists of our time. In other societies the phenomenon was repeated, but taking a different nuance, is that they had no photos to share, they did not have long lists of friends who prsumir, they simply had ideas, such that those who live free countries learned long ago to remember, and cyberspace was the meeting point of a new generation of revolutionaries, globalists, anarchists or protesters simple, without a shared discourse, without a common enemy but within the same platform. There
communicate with others who share their rebellion, then the system can not or should not enter, then finally dared to write what they thought, even though the blogger phenomenon took an unusual importance to publicize dissenting ideas official thinking, then it was the turn of the social networks, which has been easier to organize huge demonstrations such as those recently witnessed Tunisia, previously unthinkable, is now the turn of Yemen and Egypt, tomorrow I do not know, I really hope a days are free, but most of all, when you have that freedom for which both have fought, know what to do with it ...


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