Friday, August 22, 2008

Aleia Tyler Wikipedia

show up in google, therefore I am

The monkey, if I remember correctly, has been as Darwinists something like our great-grandfather and creationists as more or less our first cousin, but it is undeniable that more than anything we have in common with the primate, in particular the obsession with always appear with the expansion of the network has allowed us abandon our environment to propel the global level with just a few hours of work per week, without incurring large economic costs and omitting the cumbersome than having a website could become, we now have free social networks like Hi5 , Facebook , MySpace or Blog and adhere to a still nascent cyber increasingly larger. When you are given a name the first thing is to crawl through Google and if it is not, is the feeling that someone is absent, no matter how much they have to say, the important thing is to be, from the account we tell our lives through Profile Hi5 Facebook or , which unfolds in an immeasurable amount of pictures that describe the everyday life of people, some we tell our concerns through a blog or who are facing the public opinion his musical projects through a MySpace .
But what makes us so should participate in these spaces?, I think the basic word is loneliness, the fear to see us every morning before the same mirror and be the only spectators of what happens in our lives or the fear of remaining silent in intellectual limbo in which we read ourselves only, being Today man feels more desolate than ever and as more companies are looking for, when you are empty inside feels even more the weight of loneliness, then you better tell that we are, we believe or want to be, in a space of unlimited scope, that allows us, if not erase, at least abate a bit deep loneliness that by eliminating the environment and become what we dream to be internally. Some, few outside the phenomenon, will wonder what the point is set spaces just outside the room will be confined to a screen and an intangible network, because quite simply is a way to deny anything, a personal formula to fill that gap very secret constantly eats away at us inside, which is not the fear of death itself but the fear of ceasing to be, the fear of becoming part of the inventory of what we call Nothingness, man responding to that need perpetual to transcend order not to disappear amid the most ruthless anonymity conveys his ideas, or total lack thereof, as appropriate, to other beings equally anonymous contacts distant remind us that while the candy is not cross the street to greet us by name nor the seller of underwear for women in the corner close to ask for an autograph, exist. Thousands of netizens afflicted with Herostratus Complex are added every day to a virtual babel in which you do not need to be alive to participate, example is the recent opening of a blog with daily George Orwell launched on 9 August and finished 1.938 1.942, it will be posting day by day as if it were real time, as no contemporary writer who claims to be such that it does not have his own blog, maybe not all bloggers become so famous, but at least when we're gone will continue to be vague information, along with all other rubbish in cyberspace without a clear direction and we will still, with the secret hope that probably 200 or 300 years as an anonymous netizen unlikely googles on the Moon or Mars learns by chance that ever existed ...


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