Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Resume Clothing Store

building a global popular imagination into thinking

some time very often when talking about people automatically pop tends to associate with Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Camila and Reik, minimizing all that encompasses the concept in general pop, to focus on elements that while it up, do so at its most kitsch're really talking about a culture that has always existed, from strata outside the so-called culture with a capital (which for centuries had been the exclusive preserve of elites more shown), and which conforms to all expressions from the people born and popular artists, skilled craftsmen often as not correspond to the standard, it ranges from indigenous dances to the colorful characters that make up the popular imagination local, receiving the label, more cool if you like, pop in the year 1.958, when Lawrence Alloway is used to refer to art. As the currency was taking a definite shape, popular culture was widening into a real industry, generating two phenomena: 1) what is traditionally known as culture became an issue only marginally, and 2) the culture was usually pop, was submerged for a new global imagination, as this new form of pop culture is very immediate, accessible and mass from childhood is easier to join a global environment that naturally limited to our part, this is accessed with a simple control TV or a web connection, while the local imagination usually sounds anachronistic, yet the cost of accessing intellectual culture is totally great cumbersome, now we are more digestible and accessible music of a band formed in London that an indigenous group or an overture by Tchaikovsky, remaining at an intermediate point that is basically characterized by the seductiveness of the icons that make it up. The painting was perhaps the first art forms part of this appropriation, yet popular approach to the elements, I am reminded of Toulouse-Lautrec (1.864 to 1.901), a painter who spent most of his life in the brothels Paris, embedded in the whole sordid and tawdry world of prostitution, making his paintings revolve around it, elevating the performance level of art of the posters for the cabaret he frequented, including the most notorious were Le Moulin De La Galette , Le Moulin Rouge or the most famous Le Chat Noir, one of my favorite works by the way, there would As I mentioned at the beginning, but until the late 50's that the concept of pop art really take shape, being Andy Warhol (1.928 to 1.987) the main speaker, reversing the process of industrialization of pop, to take all the commercial elements and transplanting them to the art, as in the case of the famous Campbell soup , going a bit beyond what the Dada, Marcel Duchamp and specific, they had made con el Rady-Made, al final de esta fusión nacen nuevos elementos, que hacen de la publicidad y de lo pop algo más estético así como del arte algo desacralizado y más cercano a la colectividad. La sociedad de consumo ha sido prolífica en eso de generar y fomentar iconos del pop, tan variados y pintorescos como Cantinflas, el Che Guevara, Ronald McDonald, Batman, Hulk (una versión pop de la ya clásica novela El Extraño Caso Del Dr. Jekyll Y Mr. Hyde publicada en 1,886 por Robert Louis Stevenson), David Beckham o Los Simpson (que han pasado a ser el más grande fenómeno social y cultural de nuestro tiempo), claro que heroes y personajes ficticios transplantados al imaginario popular habían always existed, like Ulysses, Don Quixote De La Mancha or Dr. Faust, but these were born of a purely literary concept and not as objects or products market bill that each year an unimaginable amount of dollars, producing huge movies, books, posters, t-shirt and the most diverse souvenirs, had never come to turn a massive and with so much eagerness to homogenize culturally so diverse set of social and ethnic groups as at present. Many forget or ignore perhaps one of the major turning points in the rock, it was the Monterrey Pop Festival and the biggest pop phenomenon of the newly last century was undoubtedly the very rock, in all its aspects, this being the first music that overflows considered massive concert halls or ballrooms, as was traditional, filling huge sites and unusual for a musical group phenomena such as the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, which, as we see in any catalog, obviously being reported as pop music, not far from Michael Jackson or Madonna, since it is from them that most strongly the level of a musician is measured from the amount of records you sell and not the artistic quality that it can reach, which to date has also become the norm in film and literature.
Although we feel the market or not, we are presented difficult to imagine our past or our present without the presence of this wide range of characters, who have been there as symbols of the times we have traveled, either by magazines, for films, television programs or discs, pop is linked to our lives and our memories intermittently, just as we associate the memory of our loved ones, who now can not remember the favorite of his grandparents, favorite movies of his parents or disk gave his first girlfriend, all expressions of that which is termed as pop culture, one that has been quietly and gradually standardizing on companies uneven, to build a hegemonic imaginary and yet in the end consumer, but I honestly believe that deep down we are more identified with pop than we think or what we want to be sometimes.


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