Monday, August 31, 2009

Golden Retriever Zoofilia

books we have and retain over time versus Bristol Banksy

Just last Friday I went to the new, but on reflection not so new, Sophos location in order to buy a book of HP Lovecraft (1890 - 1937), since I have time to work assemble the complete collection in the edition of the Alianza editorial, some paperbacks that collect in a dignified and orderly work of the author scattered, while being extremely comfortable, both for reading and for traveling, these have thematic unity and sometimes, as in The Cthulhu Mythos or Underworld journey, they bring interesting prologues Rafael Llopis or accompanied with texts by other authors of the circle Lovecraft is intertwined with the central topic.
My surprise was great when to leave, because my goal in a bag, I found near the door that has been around here the second volume of the complete works of HP Lovecraft in the edition of Valdemar; good and if already have or are going to have the paperback why you want another, no doubt someone will ask, but when you're a fan, shows very well the difference between one or the other, this is an issue very well kept, with lid hard and separator sheets, in a translation of Juan Antonio Molina Foix, Francisco Torres Oliver and José María Nebreda, being for any collector of great interest to have these two volumes at home and re read another version of these texts abysmal that many, like me, we never tire of reading and re reading. HP Lovecraft was undoubtedly of these authors rather strange that impact and one seeks to know, but that somehow slip away, in the early 90's metal music underground was achieved through exchange with fans from all over the world, by via traditional mail, and the bands were made known in countries as far away as Norway and Singapore, a key part played by the fanzines, small independent magazines including band interviews, record reviews and concert halls, some had their literary section in the which we generally topábamos fragments of the works of Lovecraft.
Apart from this many bands based their lyrics, concepts and covers in the world created and imagined by the author and his followers, a situation that was not new, and in 1967 had formed the psychedelic rock band HP Lovecraft, with two studio albums and one live, but in our time it took more force until it has become a way of thinking and living around which generated a whole culture, which was not without its influence from society consumption, with a wide range of souvenirs, but no books. It was not until '99 that I finally found in the library Luna Y Sol, where for Simon then worked Pedroza, The Dunwich Horror, in a very small book collection Alianza Cien, it left me shocked, or rather differed concretized first fragmentary view all that the author had ever passed some years to find Edinter Artemis The Case of Charles Dexter Ward in the aforementioned collection of Alianza Editorial, and since then I have not stopped to go shopping whenever new titles come and they go up slowly into the abyss gelatinous , terrible and nameless.


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