Thursday, October 8, 2009

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corrosive, toxic and uncompromising ...

newspapers already been announcing it for several days, despite this and once the date arrived, it was still hard to believe, two monsters of the world collected by Thrash Metal first time in this city, a clear day, regular and smooth, who arrived by car were accompanied by the din of metal from their homes, those who made in the service group, had no doubt about himself to flush the long hours of despair, with the background music sound bland and repetitive reggeaton. An avenue, broad in relation to most of the city, with trees that left little room to see how the buildings fell on the evening, on sidewalks and on the roots of the trees scattered a horde of rebels, 15 to 60 years, many with their collection of vinyl under his arm, hoping for an autograph, loose hair, black dress and boots, trying to escape the pollution and the uniformity of the city, the relentless metal echoed in the car horns, while Gallo beer cans were diluted slowly.
For my part I found myself in a long time as he did not, with all the local metal scene and literary writers like Julio Manuel Girón, Javier Payet, Paul Gordon, Byron Quiñones, Eddy Rome and Mario Castaneda, with whom we remember those days where we met in Guatemala biweekly Musical to listen to local metal bands in which we thought might not even be writers, and less on ourselves and with books published as today. Once inside the room, which has a lot of industrial warehouse, the local False Prophet had a presentation that began with very Fogeo good shape, the lights went out, everything was at a standstill, suddenly were heard the first throes with the guitarists Gary Holt and Lee Altus, they immediately would join Jack Gibson on bass and drums, I do not know if was Tom Hunting or Nicholas Howard Barker who played in the second theory is one who does live, finally made its appearance vocalist Rob Dukes, immediately saw a wave of phones trying to perpetuate the instant rise.
Interestingly, given my distaste for the cover's, this band was met by the issue Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap , an original track from AC / DC including live album Lessons In Violence published in the year '92 and that sounded a lot in Rock Revolution, the presentation was simply devastating, with an impressive stage presence, which was the focal point Rob Dukes, who proved to possess the ability to create immediate empathy with the audience, the musicians fully professionals, possessing a breakneck speed, with the mosh (Slamdance) did not wane for a moment, showing that the Thrash Metal sound remains a dirty, violent and street, in my personal opinion the best band of the night. And again there was darkness; opportunity that many took the opportunity to go out and talk and take a breath, was heard, or thought he heard, a slight feedback and that was the alarm to go immediately, amid the shadows of the screens side began to play the video Hordes Of Chaos Kreator (that certainly seems to be Manowar), a somewhat bland presentation that made the public were a bit cold and distant, it was impossible not to think about certain rockstarismo; prejudice that I rejected outright by knowing about an hour later to Mille Petrozza.
returned to my mind the album covers Endless Pain and Pleasure to Kill , I heard in the early 90's in Lp, meanwhile in the background you could hear a drum solo awesome, but outside the Thrash Metal, then this will definitely be back on stage another band with a sound and totally devastating and savage presence, definitely the feeling was different, Mille fully logged and the public response had been just wild, I think this was born the real connection and was its high point to get away with Kreator flag, which reminded us Flag Of Hate EP the year '86, I think one of the things that has Kreator, and the German school if you will, is that are very professional, lots of art, something that in a genre that tries to be rebellious and street takes away some mystique, Gothic and also its experimental stage did not go with impunity; which does not mean it's bad, it's just different, I would say that the presentation was perfect but not uniform, and that made the difference. Outside the city
still immersed in the darkness of the night, stray dogs attacked the volcanoes of garbage, while the homeless were made of empty cans for recycling and that place was just a point, and unthinkable lost in the immensity of the city, a small spot in our minds that try to never delete, because they are those moments, those hours of adrenaline, which makes a metal continue to breathe and feel so proud to be what it is.


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