Thursday, October 29, 2009

Indian Saree Blouse Patterns

why not read what others think I should read

There are many books that probably never read in my life, but others although if I read my regret, never reread, in fact, three of his novels, to be exact, were of such texts are read not for pleasure but by compromise, and if the commitment has to do with a course, because either way, Mr. President Miguel Angel Asturias, Rayuela de Julio Cortazar and Hundred Years of Solitude Garcia Marquez books halfway necessarily made me wonder what was there and never stopped to seem awfully dull.
These could be called the masterpieces of the secular religion that seems to be the twentieth century Latin American literature, with a wide range of parishioners, which in these lands, among the small minority who reads, may be the majority, but now with difficulty found under 40 years and that apart from readers, are strong advocates of his works, a situation that when they have complex writer achieves levels of fundamentalism. When one, an act of honesty, says he does not like these books or other works of these authors and others that make up the pantheon, they choose to censure and excommunicate the Latin American intellectual level, the more measured start, with some compassionate leave, and who speaks with an illiterate, have us a long inventory of the reasons why, according to them, as a Latin American reader is bound to like the same, of course there are also those who give us a series explanations, some more stupid than others, of why these works are necessarily part of the great literature and if you do not see them as such is because it is a total ignorant. Personally I can not say whether the boom is good or bad writers, but it is undeniable that lack of connection between his books and the new generations, I think the best and has a lot to see that they were made to a very specific time, so that when a change of conditions made them anachronistic, this happens mostly with Mr. President, but still needs to happen to someone strange to read, is special Hundred Years of Solitude, imagine a magical and coming Latin America and get off the plane the first thing that comes across is with a McDonald's billboard as anywhere in the world, only studded by some local gang graffiti, which will no doubt among the few places that remain, and Latin America is dreaming that simply does not exist or rather never existed, just was anchored to the ideals of an era in which, in theory, the ideological factor was too heavy intellectual work, and I say in theory because it has also much mercadológica equation, designed to sell the typical messianic pose of the writer and good vibes with people. This lack of connection also existed with respect to new generations of writers, as in Roberto Bolaño was more than apparent, but with the arrival of Alberto Fuguet and Edmundo Paz Soldan, which incidentally also have face serious intellectual and boring, with books like or McOndo English Spoken , eventually become obvious, creating a veritable pandemonium among the parishioners of the cult in question, who do not understand that we grew up in an environment desliteraturisado for ideological reasons, and in which the only intellectual icons were Gene Simmons and Dee Snider with all the little politically correct that this could be or sound, it is a reality, so that when, for academic commitments, we approach these works, there was no point of connection with them, since most citizens were Gotham City than any people of Latin American highlands which butterflies fluctuate freely.


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