Friday, February 13, 2009

Statement Of Confidentiality In Turkish

our secret reluctance to accept the transience

I have always felt a certain fondness for newspapers, so since the late 90's I collect them, as if book is about, especially as related to sections or cultural supplements, with I've accomplished and to form a small newspaper library staff, for giving a name, which made hand very often about the most disparate, I recently gave back to basic authority of the 90's and Bret Easton Ellis, Alberto Fouguet, Douglas Coupland and Edmundo Paz Soldan, which recalled a series of articles about it, as usual I searched patiently in those journals.
After a couple of days of searching I got to see alternate site, and yes, just in another place where I keep other papers related to metal music, found a group of newspapers, which were not that still looking, but an article written by Sergio Morales Pellecer, about X and one editorial Alejo about Michel Huellebecq Schapire, both in elAcordeón and 2.001, I find regrettable is that since I had moths advance and eaten good parts thereof, fortunately, and as proof of my obsession, to continue sniffing noticed you could say he had back-up de los mismos, pues tengo dos ejemplares de cada uno.
Lo anterior me hace caer, una vez más, en ese asunto de nuestra obsesión por evadir nuestra transitoriedad como humanos, como seres efímeros pertenecientes a un tiempo perecedero, algo que pretendemos si no negar al menos amainar mediante la escritura de diarios, libros o, como en mi caso, mediante la acumulación de discos, periódicos, cartas y libros, cosas que además con la llegada de la era digital irán sin duda quedando atrás, pero aún con esto, siempre existirá ese deseo por atesorar lo que algún día fuimos, por recordar, mediante objetos, a esas personas con las que estuvimos y de igual forma dejar rastros de que alguna vez existimos, This in essence is the part that hurts us when these traces disappear and are lost. is no doubt that what makes it so tragic burning of books and what we do, to some, to see in a kind of cathedral libraries, as each book is recycled over and over so many lives, lives that never lived characters who never existed, the lives of authors who wanted to perpetuate his presence and his time, but also the lives of readers of one form or another will revolve around the book, which shamelessly mix the desire to perpetuate the author and the desire not to forget the reader.
The existence is still an incomprehensible labyrinth from which nobody wants to escape, even if, like JD Salinger, man tries to hide from others, always leaves a faint trail through which become noticeable and even more, no matter how much you hide or how far they go, always carry within themselves that which is memory, that ever was, that in each document that holds believes it can retain and yet not.


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